Biocidal Activities of Substituted Benzothiazole of Copper Surfactants over Candida albicans & Trichoderma harziamunon on Muller Hinton Agar

Neha Mathur1, *, Nisha Jain2, A.K. Sharma3
1 Department of Chemistry, Pt. N.K.S. Govt. P.G. College, Dausa-303303, India
2 Department of Chemistry, S.S. Jain Subhodh P.G. College Jaipur-302001, India
3 Department of Chemistry, Govt. P.G. College, Jhalawar-326001, India

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Heterocyclic complexes in the current era are aimed at evaluating as new products that possess wide biological, pharmacological, agricultural, medicinal, industrial applications and many more highly significant uses. Although they have been known from long ago for their great biocidal significance, still the researchers pay a great attention for profiling the pharmacological view of novel macrocycles like benzothiazoles. Increasing number of microbial infectious diseases and resistant pathogens create a demand and urgency to develop novel, potent, safe and improved variety of antimicrobial agents.


This initiates a task for current chemistry to synthesize compounds that show promising activity as therapeutic agents with lower toxicity. It is very necessary to introduce new and biologically safe and active drugs eco-friendly in nature and effective as antimicrobial agents.


Transition metal complexes share an important place in this regards. Therefore in this paper we report the synthesis and characterization of transition metal complex of N/S ligand by FT-IR, NMR, ESR, elemental analysis, conductometric and magnetic moment measurements. The synthesized metal complexes were successfully investigated for biological activities namely antifungal.


Based on the results we pronounced biocidal activities of the novel complexes. Concerned complexes contribute diverse applications by being more economical, harmless, non -toxic and eco-environmental friendly.

Keywords: Candida albicans, Trichoderma harzianumon, Benzothiazole, Copper surfactants, Muller Hinton Agar, Biocidal activities.