Antifungal Activities and Characterization of Some New Environmentally Safe Cu (II) Surfactants Substituted 2-Amino-6-Methyl Benzothiazole

Arun Kumar Sharma1, *, Rashmi Sharma2, Antima Gangwal2
1 Govt. P.G. College, Jhalwar-326001, Rajasthan, India
2 S.P.C. Govt. College Ajmer-305001, Rajasthan, India

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© 2018 Sharma et al.

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* Address correspondence to this author at the Govt. P.G. College, Jhalwar-326001, Rajasthan, India; Tel: +91-935-2669-899; E-mail:



Biologically potent compounds are one of the most important classes of materials for the upcoming generations.


Increasing number of microbial infectious diseases and resistant pathogens create a demand and urgency to develop novel, potent, safe and improved variety of antimicrobial agents.


The copper surfactants substituted 2-amino-6-methyl benzothiazole were synthesized. The synthesized complexes have been characterized by IR, NMR, ESR spectroscopic methods. The antifungal activities have been evaluated by testing against Alternaria alternate fungi. All complexes showed good antifungal activity because chelation increases the anti-microbial potency.


The studies suggest that the copper (II) ions in soaps may be responsible for the enhancement of the activity against fungi. The evaluation of anti -fungal studies further revealed that fungitoxicity of the complexes also depends on the nature of metal ions. The chelation reduces the polarity of central metal ion mainly because of partial attaining of its positive charge with the donor groups and possible π- electron delocalization over the whole chelate ring. Such chelation increases the lipophilic character of the central atom, which subsequently favors its permeation through the lipoid layer of the cell membrane. Their efficiency increases with their concentration.

Keywords: IR, Copper surfactants, Antifungal, Alternaria alternate, 2-amino-6-methyl benzothiazole, ESR spectroscopic method.