Tissue-specific Effect of Coenzyme Q10 Supplementation on the Oxidative Post-translational Modifications in the Rat

Nilanjana Das1, Chandan Kumar Jana2, *
1 Department of Biotechnology, Visva-Bharati University, Santiniketan, West Bengal 731 235, India
2 Department of Chemistry, Panchmura Mahavidyalaya, Panchmura, Bankura, West Bengal 722 156, India

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Coenzyme Q (CoQ), a component of almost all cellular membranes, has been postulated to act as an antioxidant due to its capacity to recycle the oxidized alpha-tocopherol and scavenge peroxy radicals.


The present study was performed to investigate the in vivo effects of a long-term supplementation of CoQ10 on oxidative protein modifications in some tissues as the plasma and the brain of the Sprague Dawley rat.


Male Sprague Dawley rats of 14 months age were supplemented with 150 mg/kg/d of CoQ10 and the effects on oxidative post-translational modifications analyzed after 13 weeks of supplementation.


Supplementation of CoQ10 for thirteen weeks in adult animals resulted in decreased protein carbonyls due to oxidative post-translational modifications in the plasma (approximately 21%) but an increase of the same in the brain tissue homogenate (approximately 21%) was observed. These alterations were statistically significant in the former while the increase in the latter was statistically not significant.


The results suggest a tissue-specific effect of dietary supplementation of CoQ10 on oxidative post-translational modifications by carbonylation in the rats.

Keywords : Aging, Antioxidants, Brain, Coenzyme Q10, Dietary supplementation, Oxidative post-translational modifications, Oxidative stress, plasma, Sprague dawley rats.