Antimicrobial Evaluation of Leaf and Stem Extract of Cordia macleodii

Deepkumar Joshi1, *, Rinku Patel2, Nupur Patel2, Devendra Patel1, Chintan Pandya2
1 Chemistry Division, Sheth M. N. Science College, Patan;
2 Chemistry Department, HVHP Institute of PG Studies and Research, Kadi

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The leaf and stem of cordia macleodii plant were investigated for evaluating antibacterial and antifungal properties.Different extracts of leaf and stem viz. double distilled water, methanol, ethyl acetate ane n-hexane were collectedand content was optimized for the maximum amount of extraction with varying time of 6 and 12 h. The extracts weretested for their antimicrobial activities against gram-positive bacteria (B. sutilis), gram-negative bacteria (E. coli) andfungi (A. niger). The extracts were found to be more active against bacteria as compared to fungi. It was also observedthat the antibacterial and antifungal potential of the water extracts were found to be excellent as 1A (38 mm) and 1B (22mm) compared to the other extracts.

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Keywords: Antibacterial and antifungal evaluation, antimicrobial, Cordia macleodii, leaf extract, medicinal plants, stem extract.